Jimmie Mesis, TSCM, LPI, BAI
Jimmie is recognized as an expert in the field of residential Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) bug sweeps. He has been associated with the field of TSCM for more than 35 years and conducts several hundred sweeps every year throughout the United Sates and abroad. Jimmie is also a Board Accredited Investigator (BAI) and a Licensed
+01 856-566-0400

Michael Auletta, TSCM, LPI
Michael Auletta is the President and CEO of USA Bugsweeps, Inc. one of the largest Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) bug sweep detection agencies in the United States. He is a seasoned TSCM technician and company instructor. He is recognized as an expert in the field of TSCM, especially in the area of residential bug sweeps.
+01 856-566-0400